Belief in Angels

In Islam, it is believed that angels were created out of pure light long before the creation of Adam. They were created to obey God’s commands, worshipping Allah and carrying out His commands. It seems angels have no free choice, Allah knows best. The holy Quran states, “They do not disobey Allah’s commands; they do precisely what they are commanded” (Quran 66:6). Angels are not male or female and do not sleep, eat, or rest.
The Job of Angels
Angels, Mala’ikah, in Arabic means “to assist and help.” The Quran explains that angels have been created to worship Allah and carry out His commands:
“Everything in the heavens and every creature on the earth prostrates to Allah, as do the angels. They are not puffed up with pride. They fear their Lord above them and do everything they are ordered to do” (Quran 16:49-50).
Angels are involved in carrying out duties in both the unseen and physical worlds.
Angels’ Names in the Quran
Several angels are mentioned by name in the holy Quran, with a description of their responsibilities:
Jibreel (Gabriel) – the archangel in charge of communicating Allah’s words to His prophets
Israfeel (Raphael) – in charge of blowing the trumpet to mark the Day of Judgment
Mikail (Michael) – in charge of rainfall and sustenance and others
Nakeer and Munkar – after death, these angels will question souls in the grave about their faith and deeds
Malak Am-Maut (Angel of Death) – in charge of taking possession of souls in the time of death
Malik – guardian of hell
Ridwan – guardian of heaven
Ateed- the angel who write all the deeds
Other angels are mentioned, but not specifically by name. There are angels who carry Allah’s throne, angels who act as guardians and protectors of believers, and angels who record a person’s good and bad deeds, among other tasks.